Candida Clear (14 Day) - My Sunshine Canada
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Candida Clear (14 Day)

Nature's Sunshine



Used in Herbal Medicine to help alleviate mild cases of fungal infections.
Pau d'arco is used in traditional western herbalism to help treat sore throat and colds.
Source of antioxidants, a medium-chain fatty acid (caprylic acid) and digestive enzymes (cellulase, amylase, protease, bromelain and hemicellulase).
Helps in connective tissue formation and in maintaining healthy skin and immune function.
Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

How It Works:

Candida Clear helps to balance the microflora of the body by encouraging a healthy environment for friendly probiotics to thrive and harmful microflora such as yeast and fungus to be held in population check. The Candida Clear program consists of two different packets. The Candida Clear Combo cellophane packet contains two YF DTX capsules, two Pau d’Arco capsules and two Caprylic Acid Combination capsules. The Candida Clear Enzyme cellophane packet contains two capsules of our proprietary Candida Cleanse Enzymes blend.


Ingredients: YF DTX:Medicinal Ingredients:Each capsule contains Echinacea purpurea (echinacea) root 44 mg, octanoic acid (caprylic acid) 33 mg, Handroanthus heptaphyllus (pau d'arco) inner bark 25 mg, Allium sativum (garlic) bulb 17 mg, Origanum vulgare (oregano) leaf 15 mg, selenium (selenium hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) chelate) 10 mcg and zinc (zinc citrate) 5 mg. Non-medicinal Ingredients: Cellulose, gelatin, sodium propionate, sorbic acid, magnesium stearate and maltodextrin. Pau D’Arco: Medicinal Ingredients:Each capsule contains Handroanthus heptaphyllus (pau d'arco) inner bark 500 mg. Non-medicinal Ingredients: Gelatin, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide. Caprylic Acid Combination: Medicinal Ingredients: Each capsule contains octanoic acid (caprylic acid) 300 mg, Inula helenium (elecampane) root 36.4 mg, Juglans nigra (black walnut) hull 31.8 mg and Rubus idaeus (red raspberry) leaf 31.8 mg. Non-medicinal Ingredients: Gelatin and maltodextrin. Candida Cleanse Enzymes: Medicinal Ingredients: Each capsule contains cellulase (Trichoderma longibrachiatum) 35,484 FCC CU; alpha-amylase (Aspergillus flavus var. oryzae) 6,452 FCC DU; neutral bacterial protease (Bacillus subtilis) 32,258 FCC PC; protease 4.5 (Aspergillus flavus var. oryzae) 32,258 FCC HUT; bromelain (Ananas comosus) 967,740 FCC PU; hemicellulase (Aspergillus niger) 9,678 FCC HCU; glucoamylase (Aspergillus niger) 16 FCC AGU and biotin 150 mcg. Non-medicinal Ingredients: Gelatin, cellulose, rice bran and medium chain triglycerides.

Recommended Use:

Dosage (adults): Take one Candida Clear Combo cellophane packet three times daily with meals and one Candida Clear Enzymes Packet once daily with a meal.

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