Yeast Infections No More. - My Sunshine Canada
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Yeast Infections No More.

What infection? Yeast?

I am asking because this term is quite broad.
It is used to describe persistent infections of the skin, mouth, digestive system, and vagina. Such infections in more rare forms may involve the lungs, heart or blood.

Yeast infection in women is very common in the vagina. Hence the term “yeast infection” usually refers to vaginal yeast infection, or vaginitis.

Lucky for you: natural remedies can be used with success regardless of infection’s location.

The yeast connection

Yeast are a large group of single celled organisms that belong to the fungus family.
This lovely “family” includes also mushrooms and molds.
Yeast do not posses chlorophyll (plants do).
They reproduce by highly resistant spores.
They are not afraid of antibiotics.

Perhaps the most heard of and the most common yeast is Candida Albicans.
It is normally a part of the human flora and only its overgrowth may lead to a chronic yeast infection.

Yeast lives in warm, moist areas and feeds off sugars.

Vaginitis, some words of wisdom

Although vaginitis is commonly described as “yeast infection” please remember: vaginal environment may be disturbed by many various micro-organisms.
Therefore I strongly recommend to see a physician if you experience such symptoms as itching, painful urination, unusual discharge and vaginal odor.


Untreated vaginitis may can be severe and can have serious implications.
The above symptoms may be a sign of an STI (sexually transmitted disease) involving such nasty organism as gonorrhea, herpes or chlamydia. Untreated, these could lead to infertility, tubal scarring, and complicated pregnancies. You need an accurate diagnosis.

Antibiotic dilemma

If you are dealing with chlamydia then your “natural” options are probably limited. Properly selected antibiotic will kill chlamydia quickly. Your doc will write a prescription.

BUT a number of micro-organisms that overgrow in vaginitis are actually a part of the ecology in a healthy vagina. Albeit in more limited presence.

The antibiotics do not discriminate. What they can kill they will most likely kill.

Candida however is opportunistic, which simply means that it will take over and grow rapidly where other otherwise useful and desired micro-organisms have been killed off.

Fighting candida?

Did you know? Candida’s cell wall is composed of a variety of components, including carbohydrates and proteins.
It is theorized that the cell wall may be vulnerable to the digestive action of the carbohydrolytic and proteolytic enzymes.
The carbohydrase and protease enzymes may also help to balance the colonization of Candida.

OK, so if it really is a yeast infection (diagnosis counts) there are some things you can do.

Remember that candida and yeast in general thrive off foods you eat. Certain foods, that is. It really seems to enjoy white sugar, dairy products, pastries, alcohol.

Your natural remedy for yeast regardless of the type could include health promoting bacteria (probiotic formula). A capsule can be inserted into the vagina or (even better) used in a douche (content of 1 capsule in a cup of warm water, (preferably distilled). I always recommend the use of good bacteria as above with great result. Also take one or 2 capsules by mouth.


This article is for educational purposes only, this is not medical advice. You should always seek and follow your medical doctor recommendation with regards to diagnosis and treatment.

Consult your doctor before using any of the above if you are currently taking any prescription medication. Do not discontinue use of any prescription medication without your doctor’s knowledge and approval. Nothing written or portrayed in this website should be taken as prescription, diagnoses or a substitute for consultation with a competent medical doctor. For educational purposes only.