Good luck. You can do it!
Constipation is defined as infrequent, difficult passage of stool includes fluids and fiber.
Are you constipated?
That depends, I guess. It may mean different things to different people:
stools are infrequent, difficult to expel, hard stool, small stool or the sense of incomplete evacuation.
Generally speaking constipation results when the fecal matter (waste material) moves too slowly through the large bowel (colon).
A lot of people seek an easy way out once they begin to suffer from uncomfortable symptoms. Such as nausea, heartburn, indigestion, headache (yes!), bad breath (yuck!).
Constipation may lead to even more serious consequences: depression, insomnia, diverticulitis, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, fissures, obesity etc. etc.
People spend around $400 million every on laxatives (in the U.S. alone). The widespread use of laxatives indicates how common constipation really is.
There is many. In most cases however constipation arises from insufficient amounts of fiber and fluids in the diet. Another common cause is lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy. Constipation is often a result of advanced age, prescription drugs, iron pills etc.
In some cases constipation may signal abnormalities in the body or serious conditions that require very careful medical evaluation.
Constipation, even habitual or chronic, will normally respond well to these three things:
Hydrate Yourself
Based on my own practice I consistently find that people simply drink too little water. Meeting you own body’s requirement for water is a must. Water is absorbed in the colon. Not enough water means dry stools. Pure and simple.
Water is the first and most important home remedy for constipation.
I recommend that you add chlorophyll in the water you drink.
Chlorophyll acts as deodorizer.
You Mother Was Right: You Do Need Fiber
Veggies, fruits and even more veggies.
All plants contain fiber. You must eat more of them. Fiber is a single most effective home remedy for constipation. If you cannot consume more veggies, whatever the reason, please consider dietary fiber.
Fiber absorbs water. It also easily absorbs toxins. It helps make your stool nice and soft. It will decrease bowel transit time and improve both frequency and quantity of bowel movements.
If you need additional support think about using fiber formulas.They act as bulking agents. They are normally composed of natural plant fibers derived from psyllium (hulls and seeds), kelp, agar, pectin and plant gums (such as guar gum).
Move that bowel!
The large bowel is a muscle. And like any other muscle it requires physical exercise. Walking is probably on of the best and easiest thing to do. You don’t need a lot, try 30 minutes every day or even every other day. Moderate exercise is an easy yet essential constipation remedy.
Oh, well, prune juice, right? Yes, both prunes and prune juice posses excellent laxative effects. Prune juice enjoys the fame of an excellent, well known home remedy for constipation. About 8 ounces is normally pretty effective dose.
Bran is also effective remedy for constipation. Half a cup of bran cereal is your starting point. You can increase up to 1 1/2 cup over several weeks.
Corn bran is better than wheat bran, while oat bran is less irritating and it absorbs fats better too.
Fiber formulas approximate most closely the natural mechanism promoting a bowel movement. Unfortunately they may not be enough in some individuals.
If this is so, you may want to resort to herbal formulas or individual herbs that are known to enhance and even repair the peristalsis.
I am assuming that you have found and identified known causes of constipation. Here are few pointers to re-train your bowel:
Good luck. You can do it!