If not, here's why you should:
A medium-sized banana can provide about a quarter of your daily vitamin B6 needs. It's easily absorbed. Important for many things, including red blood cells, metabolism of fats, amino-acids, fats (turns them into energy). A medium-sized banana will provide about 10% of your daily vitamin C, 13% of your daily manganese needs, and will provide around 320-400 mg of potassium, which meets about 10% of your daily need.
Have one in the evening, it is a perfect sleep aid! Several vitamins and minerals that can improve the quality of your sleep.
A banana can soothe ulcers and heartburn. It helps by thickening the protective mucus barrier in the stomach.
Bananas are believed to enhance your mood and boost your memory, because high levels of tryptophan in bananas are converted to serotonin.
An average-size ripe banana gives you 3 grams of fiber, about 10% of what you need daily...
A banana a day could keep your eyesight from going away, sue to Vitamin A content.
Potassium, magnesium found in bananas are good for your heart and blood pressure.
Remember though: everything in moderation! 2 bananas daily will do. If you work out every day, go for 3 to 4. More than that could cause weight gain. Be careful if you suffer from migraines or have asthma. Also those suffering with Chronic Kidney Disease must watch their potassium intake.